Thrones of Britannia: Allegiance Update


CA KingGobbo
August 28 2018

Below is the full list of changes that the Allegiance update brings to Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia.

If you have previously opted in to the Allegiance beta on Steam, please opt out of it as if you remain in the beta you will not have the latest changes or be able to access to Blood, Sweat & Spears.

For a list of what has changed between the second beta for the update and the full release, those are listed separately here.

Major Changes


  • This feature is based on Religion from ATTILA and the Culture mechanic of ROME II but, to better match what was going on during the time period and the design of the game overall, it has been reimagined as “Allegiance”
  • All playable factions have their own Allegiance, with minor factions sharing group Allegiances such as English Kingdoms etc.
  • Allegiance is spread by the current level of faction leader influence, as well as certain Followers and Traits characters can have
  • The presence of other Allegiances in your provinces causes a negative public order impact that scales with the size of the other Allegiances present
  • The effects from taxes have been changed so that there is a smaller base penalty to public order, but each tax level gives an increasing multiplier to the effect of other Allegiances on public order
  • The public order impact from occupying settlements has also been removed, so that the main public order impact on taking a settlement is the levels of different Allegiances present in a province. Take back a settlement you lost a turn before, you’ll see minimal or no public order problems. Take one deep in foreign territory and it will take time for the Allegiance to shift to your own
  • Characters in your faction and certain events can also spread “Usurper” Allegiance, which is linked to the civil war faction for each playable faction
  • The faction leader can also spread Usurper Allegiance if their influence gets too low
  • Allegiance display has been added to province panel, province details panel, and a filter added to the strategic map


  • A new menu has been added to the campaign, called Decrees, that sits to the left of the Objectives button on the main HUD
  • Similar to the Rites feature in Warhammer II, the Decrees screen allows the player to enact one of 4 different decrees that give bonuses to their faction for a number of turns. These could be bonuses to unit replenishment, big increases to research rate, or triggering Expeditions for the Viking Sea Kings
  • The full list of Decrees and bonuses for each faction is detailed in the Balance Changes section of the patch notes
  • Each Decree costs gold to enact, and depending on faction can also cost faction leader influence or other elements as well
  • Enacting a Decree puts all of them on a cooldown of a number of turns until one can be done again, and the enacted Decree will have a longer cooldown as well
  • Decrees can have unlock requirements, such as constructing a certain level of building, winning a number of battles, or researching a technology
  • Several previously event based mechanics have been merged into this system. The Witan for West Seaxe is now what Decrees are called for them, the same is also true for Hoards and Mierce, and the Fair of Tailtiu and Mide
  • Expeditions, along with being incorporated into the Decrees system, have also been reworked so that they no longer have negative outcomes and each direction of travel is associated with certain bonuses
    • The Isles (previously North) for farm bonuses gained by settling the isles in the Atlantic
    • The Rus (East) for trade bonuses gained from meeting with them or for journeying down the great rivers to the lands beyond
    • The Mainlaind (Southeast) to gain bonuses from taking towns or making people your vassals
    • South to gain income from raiding

Pagan Kings

  • As the two playable factions who we believe were not largely Christian at this time, Dyflin and Sudreyar will now start with a new effect bundle called “Pagan Kings”. This gives bonuses to unit replenishment rate and unit morale but also spreads Usurper Allegiance
  • As the player conquers more regions with Church buildings or upgrades them, an event will appear with three choices:
    • Stay Pagan will replace the existing Pagan Kings effect bundle with one that generates lower bonuses and larger penalties
    • Convert King replaces the Pagan Kings effect bundle with a new one that lasts for a number of turns and generates a diplomatic relations bonus with other factions and improves faction leader influence but lowers character loyalty
    • Mass Convert replaces the Pagan Kings effect bundle with a new one that lasts for a number of turns and generates the reverse of its effects, so penalties to morale and unit replenishment but a bonus to public order
  • If the player chooses Stay Pagan, the event will appear again when more Church regions are conquered/constructed/church buildings upgraded
  • The event can appear up to five times, and if the player chooses to stick to paganism right up to the last one the effect bundle will be applied permanently!


  • All minor settlement buildings, except for religious ones, now branch at tier 4 to give more choices in how to specialise a province. For example, the LEAD chain splits into one line giving a bonus to Church income, the other that focuses on resource production and Industry income
  • For major settlements, two new chains have been added for all of them: MERCHANT for Commerce income, and WORKSHOP for Industry income so you can always get income of those types from major settlements
  • The Bullaun chain has been added for MONASTERY settlements, which give bonuses to public order and fame
  • New unique settlement chains have been added to Grianan Ailech (GRIANAN OF AILECH), Achadh Bo (MONASTERY OF ST CAINNECH), and Hwitan Aerne (CHURCH OF ST RINGAN)
  • Tintagol has gained a unique variant of the GRANARY chain, the FOGOU chain
  • Several existing major settlement chains have been changed, both in their bonuses and where they can be built:
    • TOOLS chain can only be built in provinces with COPPER, IRON, or WOOD buildings and focuses on bonuses to those buildings
    • TANNER chain can only be built in provinces with the HUNTING chain
    • TITHE HALL chain can only be built in provinces that have either a MONASTERY main settlement or at least one ABBEY chain in the minor settlements, and also have at least one FARM, ORCHARD, or PASTURE chain in the province. The building gives bonuses to food production from those chains and also a bonus to Church income
  • Other new chains have also been added to major settlements which are also dependant on what other buildings exist in a province:
    • CRAFT MERCHANT chain that can only be built in provinces with CLOTH, POTTERY, or SALT chains and gives bonuses to those chains as well as a bonus to Industry income in the province
    • WAREHOUSE chain that can only be built in provinces that have at least one of the PORT building chains, and it improves income and food production of all PORT building chains in a province
    • CHURCH CRAFT chain that can only be built in provinces that have either a MONASTERY main settlement or at least one ABBEY chain in the minor settlements, and also have at least one COPPER, IRON, or WOOD chain in the province. The building gives bonuses to the income from those chains as well as a bonus to Church income in the province
    • ARTISANS chain that can only be built in provinces with GOLD, LEAD, SILVER or TIN chains and gives bonuses to income from those chains as well as a bonus to Commerce income in the province


  • There are now multiple types of Estates in the game:
    • Agricultural Estates, given by the APPLE ASH, FARM, HUNTING, ORCHARD, and PASTURE building chains. Their effects are:
      • Held by faction leader
        • +1 influence
      • Held by other characters
        • +1 influence
        • +1 loyalty
        • -100 gold
    • Estate Estates, given by the ESTATES building chain. Their effects are:
      • Held by faction leader
        • +2 influence
      • Held by other characters
        • +1 influence
        • +2 loyalty
        • -50 gold
    • Religious Estates, given by the BENEDICTINE ABBEY, CELI DE ABBEY, and ABBEY chains. Their effects are:
      • Held by faction leader
        • +2 faction Allegiance
      • Held by other characters
        • +1 influence
        • +1 loyalty
  • New traits and effects related to Estates have been added. Characters can now gain traits that gives them a desire to own certain type of Estates, and a loyalty penalty if that desire isn’t met. They can also want to have more Estates than the faction leader, or more than lower level characters for example
  • The full list of desires that traits might give is:
    • Desires more Estates than faction leader
    • Desires less Estates than faction leader
    • Desires more Estates than generals and governors
    • Desires more Estates than characters with lower Command
    • Desires more Estates than characters with lower Governance
    • Desires more Estates than characters with lower Zeal
    • Desires more Estates than lower level characters
    • Desires more Estates than everybody but the faction leader
    • Desires more Estates than younger characters
    • Desires no more Estates
  • The traits giving these desires can be gained either when a character is created, or a chance to gain each turn, or by the player handing out Estates to characters
  • All of the above mean that there is much less of a one size fits all approach in how to deal with characters and Estates, and how you might try and deal with the desires of certain characters


  • The faction & politics UI has had large improvements, most noticeably the Records & Statistics pages have been merged together so that the Family Tree and information on your faction could be split into separate pages
  • The Summary page shows information on faction leader, diplomatic relations, faction effects, map of the world, faction bonuses and description
  • The Family Tree page has more space to show the family tree, redone character information panel that sits on the left and is where political actions can now be done, and new tabs along the bottom to show you your Generals, Governors, Statesmen, and Family Members
  • The Family Tree page has a new filter to show just faction leader and their immediate family to help out as the family tree grows larger over the course of the game
  • The cost of political actions now scales with Fame level of your faction
  • This means they are cheaper in the early game to try and prevent situations that can spiral out of control, but as you grow bigger they become more expensive
  • The outcome and effect of political actions have been adjusted to give more depth
  • New traits have been added that can be gained from certain political actions, such as Destined for the Throne for someone being appointed heir, or Chuffed if they’re married for example

Faction Mechanics

  • War Fervour has been removed. We felt that this mechanic wasn’t a factor most of the time, and when it was impacting campaigns it was often in opposition to mechanics like Heroism, Legitimacy etc.
  • The faction mechanics for each faction group are now displayed as a bar on the main HUD at the top, allowing player to see what bonuses they could get from each level
  • Food is also now displayed with a bar on the main campaign HUD to better show the bonuses it gives at different levels as well
  • The effects from many of these mechanics have been updated, detailed fully in the balance change section
  • The ‘Cultural Equilibrium’ factor has been renamed to ‘Natural Decline’ to better reflect how it works, and how it impacts the players score for each mechanic has been adjusted as well
  • A new mechanic has been added to the English Kingdoms – the Burghal system. This gives bonuses depending on the factions tax level, and whether the faction is at peace or at war.
  • Below at the main bonuses from the Burghal mechanic tied to the tax levels
    • Very low taxes:
      • -50% Fyrd cap
    • Low taxes:
      • -25% Fyrd cap
      • +10% campaign movement range
      • -15% construction cost for Garrison buildings
    • Normal taxes:
      • +15% campaign movement range
      • -30% construction cost for Garrison buildings
    • High taxes:
      • +25% Fyrd cap
      • +20% campaign movement range
      • -60% construction cost for Garrison buildings
    • Very High taxes:
      • +50% Fyrd cap
      • +25% campaign movement range
      • -100% construction cost for Garrison buildings
    • Each level can also give bonuses or penalties to Public Order and faction leader influence depending on if your faction is at war or at peace. People like being on very low taxes at peace, but if you’re at war they fear you are not doing enough to protect them and won’t be happy. Similarly people will endure high taxes if you’re at war, but if you’re at peace it will take a strong king to keep the people happy with such levels of taxation

Faction Traits

  • There have been many changes to faction traits to reflect the new Decrees mechanic and also with the aim to make them more distinct. The faction trait changes are listed in the Balance Changes section due to the number of changes made


  • Foreign soil penalty removed, instead each stance now has a supply cost and certain situations like besieging also cost more supplies
  • Bonuses from positive faction food apply to armies in own or allied territory, and the values of these bonuses have been adjusted to factor in the new way supplies work
  • This means that supplies will no longer go down in allied or vassal territory if your faction has positive food, and that faction food level plays a big part in how quickly armies will build up supplies in your own territory

Battle AI

  • Restore AI hint lines to hill tiles, and improved AI use of hint lines so it is less likely to pick ones too close to player, and will correctly use them to reposition their army as the player moves theirs
  • AI will no longer keep general back on his own when defending in sieges, and will now make use of him to properly defend the settlement
  • Improved AI behaviour when disembarking troops in coastal/port assault battles so it makes use of more drop-off points
  • AI will hold back its outflanking groups more to better arrive at same time as main force
  • AI use of cavalry, and timing of cavalry movements improved
  • AI missile units will now better prioritise targets, and will target the players own missile units a lot more now
  • Changed group formations the AI uses to better tie into how it behaves, as well to improve how it deals with flanking forces when being attacked

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed issue where if soldiers disembarking from a ship were given an order, the ship would withdraw resulting in the remaining soldiers on the ship jumping into the sea and dying
  • Fix for siege towers not working correctly on Steanford map
  • Fix for Eastmen Scouts and Eastmen Raiders having wrong mount animations that caused some animation issues in cavalry v cavalry combat


  • AI will only recruit armies with a minimum of 3 units, preventing only single unit AI armies
  • Fix for crash when that happened when loading some save games
  • Fixed bug that allowed for unlocking of techs by firing/hiring governors repeatedly
  • Fixed for issue where certain characters gaining rank reduced Heroism score
  • Fixed issue when auto-resolving minor settlement battles
  • Older versions of siege equipment will no longer be available in campaign once you’ve researched the newer versions of them
  • Disbanding last general when you have no settlements will no longer cause an auto save that would lead to a crash
  • Garrison units no longer count towards tech unlock requirements
  • Fix for rebel armies only having spearmen and javelinmen in them
  • Fix for some starting characters and children in the campaign having 0 loyalty or 0 influence


  • Zoom to Sea Region buttons now correctly function
  • Fixed soft lock that could occur if you open the event message panel just before initiating a battle
  • Fixed crash when clicking governor details multiple times
  • Fixed crash that could happen when using shortcuts and hovering over a unit card
  • Fixed crash if disbanding a unit is confirmed whilst the unit exchange panel is open
  • Fixed crash if user makes resolution changes and runs benchmark
  • Fixed crash when assigning governor while the character details panel is open
  • Fixed crash when opening diplomacy screen and moving camera after looking at Records/Governors & Estates page
  • Fixed soft lock if a character is assassinated then declared heir when exchanging units
  • Untaxing a province will now correctly update the province panel, instead of it only updating if you deselected then reselected the province
  • Notification icons at top of screen now appear at start of a new turn, instead of only appearing after you clicked anything
  • Fix for tooltip becoming stuck on the cursor if player right-clicks a building icon with a warning icon on it

Balance Changes


  • Reduced speed of siege towers and rams
  • Reduced speed at which soldiers climb siege towers
  • Reduced damage of boiling oil, and added a morale and movement speed contact penalty to it to give it a more general debuff
  • Eastmen Axe Warriors
    • Cost increased from 450 to 600
    • Upkeep cost increased from 100 to 150
    • Morale reduced from 47 to 45
  • Eastmen Axemen
    • Cost increased from 400 to 500
    • Upkeep increased from 115 to 130
    • Morale reduced from 45 to 40
  • Berserkers (Eastmen)
    • Cost reduced from 1200 to 1150
  • Eastmen Champions
    • Cost reduced from 800 to 750
  • Great Axes (Viking Sea Kings)
    • Cost increased from 450 to 500
    • Increased weapon damage
  • Eastmen Horsemen
    • Cost reduced from 600 to 550
    • Melee skill reduced from 33 to 30
    • Morale reduced from 45 to 40
  • Eastmen Hunters
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 15
  • Eastmen Javelinmen
    • Ammunition increased from 7 to 8
  • Eastmen Kerns
    • Movement speed increased
  • Long Axes (Viking Sea Kings)
    • Increased weapon damage
  • Eastmen Mailed Axemen
    • Cost increased from 500 to 700
    • Upkeep cost increased from 130 to 200
  • Norse Mailed Hersir
    • Cost increased from 800 to 850
  • Norse Warriors
    • Cost reduced from 600 to 500
    • Upkeep cost reduced from 175 to 125
    • Melee skill reduced from 36 to 32
    • Morale reduced from 45 to 42
  • Eastmen Raiders
    • Cost increased from 400 to 450
    • Morale increased from 28 to 30
  • Eastmen Scouts
    • Cost increased from 300 to 350
  • Shield Biters (Viking Sea Kings)
    • Cost reduced from 950 to 1000
  • Eastmen Spear Guard
    • Cost increased from 850 to 950
  • Eastmen Wood Kerns
    • Ammunition increased from 7 to 8
    • Movement speed increased
  • Norman Archers
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 15
  • Norman Axe Levy
    • Armour reduced
  • Norman Axemen
    • Morale increased from 28 to 30
  • Norman Foot Soldiers
    • Cost increased from 800 to 850
  • Norman Levy Spearmen
    • Armour reduced
  • Norman Mailed Spearmen
    • Cost reduced from 650 to 600
  • Maine Infantry
    • Cost increased from 550 to 700
    • Charge bonus increased from 23 to 30
    • Melee skill increased from 30 to 38
  • Maine Warriors
    • Cost increased from 450 to 650
    • Charge bonus increased from 20 to 28
    • Melee skill increased from 26 to 35
  • Norman Spearmen
    • Morale increased from 28 to 30
  • Welsh Armoured Axemen
    • Cost increased from 600 to 650
  • Helwyr
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 15
  • Welsh Horsemen
    • Cost increased from 500 to 600
    • Charge bonus increased from 21 to 24
    • Melee skill increased from 29 to 34
    • Morale increased from 30 to 38
  • Longbowmen
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 15
  • Welsh Mailed Axemen
    • Cost increased from 700 to 800
  • Old North Horsemen
    • Guerrilla deployment added
  • Old North Riders
    • Cost increased from 700 to 750
    • Guerrilla deployment added
    • Charge bonus increased from 27 to 35
    • Melee skill decreased from 38 to 35
  • Old North Uchelwr
    • Cost increased from 800 to 1000
    • Upkeep cost increased from 250 to 275
    • Guerrilla deployment added
    • Charge bonus increased from 29 to 40
    • Melee skill reduced from 39 to 36
  • Royal Uchelwr
    • Cost increased from 1000 to 1050
    • Morale increased from 54 to 60
  • Scout Horsemen (Welsh)
    • Cost increased from 300 to 400
    • Charge bonus increased from 15 to 18
    • Melee skill increased from 22 to 27
    • Morale increased from 26 to 30
  • Welsh Swordsmen
    • Cost decreased from 600 to 500
    • Upkeep cost reduced from 175 to 150
  • Teulu
    • Cost decreased from 1000 to 950
  • Teulu Spear Guard
    • Cost increased from 950 to 1000
    • Morale increased from 54 to 56
  • Valley Mailed Spearmen
    • Cost increased from 650 to 700
  • Anglian Champions
    • Cost increased from 700 to 800
    • Encourage added
  • Anglian Marauders
    • Cost increased from 600 to 700
  • Anglian Raiders
    • Cost increased from 500 to 600
  • Danelaw Archers
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 16
  • Berserkers (Great Viking Army)
    • Cost reduced from 1200 to 1150
  • Danelaw Huscarls
    • Cost increased from 1100 to 1200
    • Morale increased from 54 to 60
  • Fyrd Archers (Great Viking Army)
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 15
  • Great Axemen (Great Viking Army)
    • Weapon damage increased
  • Huscarls (Great Viking Army)
    • Encourage removed
  • Jarl’s Horsemen
    • Melee skill increased from 35 to 38
  • Danelaw Javelinmen
    • Cost increased from 200 to 250
    • Ammunition increased from 7 to 8
    • Armour increased
  • Long Axemen (Great Viking Army)
    • Weapon damage increased
  • Danelaw Mailed Archers
    • Cost increased from 400 to 450
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 15
  • Danelaw Mailed Horsemen
    • Cost increased from 900 to 1000
    • Encourage added
    • Melee skill increased from 38 to 42
  • Danelaw Mailed Swordsmen
    • Cost increased from 800 to 850
    • Encourage added
  • Northumbrian Mailed Thegns
    • Cost increased from 750 to 850
    • Charge bonus increased from 26 to 30
    • Melee skill increased from 38 to 42
    • Morale increased from 49 to 53
  • Northumbrian Thegns
    • Melee skill increased from 33 to 36
  • Shield Biters (Great Viking Army)
    • Cost reduced from 1000 to 950
  • Sword Hirdmen (Great Viking Army)
    • Melee skill reduced from 36 to 33
  • Earl’s Horsemen
    • Charge bonus increased from 24 to 28
  • Earl’s Spearmen
    • Melee skill increased from 35 to 38
  • Fyrd Archers (English)
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 15
  • Fyrd Javelinmen (English)
    • Ammunition increased from 7 to 8
  • Long Axemen (English)
    • Weapon damage increased
  • Mailed Horsemen
    • Cost increased from 900 to 950
    • Charge bonus increased from 26 to 30
  • Mailed Long Axemen
    • Cost increased from 500 to 550
    • Morale increased from 30 to 33
    • Weapon damage increased
  • Mailed Seaxs
    • Cost increased from 500 to 550
  • Mailed Spearmen
    • Melee skill increased from 38 to 41
  • Marcher Armoured Spearmen
    • Morale increased from 35 to 37
  • Marcher Mailed Spearmen
    • Cost increased from 550 to 600
    • Morale increased from 38 to 45
  • Militia Fyrd Archers
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 16
  • Seax Warriors
    • Cost increased from 400 to 450
  • Select Fyrd Archers
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 15
    • Movement speed reduced
  • Select Fyrd Spearmen
    • Cost reduced from 350 to 300
  • Select Militia Spearmen
    • Cost increased from 400 to 450
    • Charge bonus increased from 18 to 22
    • Melee skill increased from 26 to 30
  • Thegns
    • Melee skill reduced from 36 to 33
  • Thegn Horsemen
    • Cost reduced from 700 to 650
  • Viking Archers
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 15
  • Axe Hersir
    • Cost increased from 700 to 750
  • Axe Hirdmen
    • Cost increased from 600 to 650
  • Berserkers (Viking)
    • Cost reduced from 1200 to 1150
  • Great Axes (Viking)
    • Weapon damage increased
  • Huskarls (Viking)
    • Encourage removed
  • Viking Javelinmen
    • Ammunition increased from 7 to 8
  • Long Axes (Viking)
    • Weapon damage increased
  • Mailed Archers
    • Cost increased from 400 to 450
    • Ammunition increased from 14 to 15
  • Mailed Hersir Axemen
    • Cost increased from 800 to 850
  • Mailed Hersir Spearmen
    • Cost increased from 750 to 800
    • Melee skill increased from 38 to 40
  • Mailed Huskarls
    • Cost increased from 1100 to 1200
    • Melee skill increased from 49 to 55
  • Viking Marauders
    • Guerrilla deployment added
  • Viking Raiders
    • Guerrilla deployment added
  • Shield Biters (Viking)
    • Cost reduced from 1000 to 950
  • Spear Hirdmen
    • Melee skill reduced from 33 to 30



  • West Seaxe
    • Title: Witan
    • Enacting one decree will put all other decrees on a 10 turn cooldown
    • The options are:
      • New Laws Enacted
        • +10 to faction Allegiance
        • +100% reduction in public order penalties from other allegiances
        • Costs 1 faction leader influence and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • Relieve the Tithed
        • +5 pubic order
        • -25% tax
        • Costs 1 faction leader influence and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • The Anglo-Saxon kingdom
        • Requires highest level of GREAT HALL chain to unlock
        • -25% building construction time
        • +2 loyalty for all characters
        • Costs 1 faction leader influence and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 5 turns
      • Gather Venerable Scholars
        • Requires player to have a technology they can research this turn
        • -50% construction time for Scribe buildings
        • +75% research rate
        • Costs 1 faction leader influence and 25000 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 3 turns
  • Mierce
    • Title: Hoards
    • Enacting one decree will put all other decrees on a 5 turn cooldown
    • The options are:
      • A Generous Donation
        • Requires highest level of CHURCH of BENEDICTINE ABBEY chain to unlock
        • -50% construction time for Church and Benedictine Abbey buildings
        • +75% research rate
        • Costs 5000 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 10 turns, bonuses in effect for 3 turns
      • The People’s Army
        • Requires 40 units to be recruited to unlock
        • +6 Supplies
        • +30 XP for units per turn
        • +10 unit morale
        • Costs 5000 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 10 turns, bonuses in effect for 5 turns
      • Our Futures Secured
        • Requires a rank 5 character to unlock
        • +5 XP for generals per turn
        • +2 loyalty for all characters
        • Costs 5000 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 10 turns, bonuses in effect for 5 turns
      • The People’s Prince
        • +10 to faction Allegiance
        • +3 public order
        • Costs 5000 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 10 turns, bonuses in effect for 5 turns
  • Gwined
    • Title: Decrees
    • Enacting one decree will put all other decrees on a 10 turn cooldown
    • The options are:
      • An Army Supplied
        • Requires 40 units to be recruited to unlock
        • +25% unit replenishment
        • +5 supplies
        • -2 unit food upkeep
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • An Epic Verse
        • +10 to faction Allegiance
        • Increases Heroism by +10
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • Honour His Holy Church
        • Requires highest level CHURCH or ABBEY chain to unlock
        • -50% construction time for Church and Abbey buildings
        • +75% research rate
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 3 turns
      • Infrastructure Improved
        • Requires player controls 20 settlements to unlock
        • -40% to building construction time
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 5 turns
  • Strat Clut
    • Title: Decrees
    • Enacting one decree will put all other decrees on a 10 turn cooldown
    • The options are:
      • An Army Supplied
        • Requires 40 units to be recruited to unlock
        • +25% unit replenishment
        • +5 supplies
        • -2 unit food upkeep
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • An Epic Verse
        • +10 to faction Allegiance
        • Increases Heroism by +10
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • Honour His Holy Church
        • Requires highest level CHURCH or ABBEY chain to unlock
        • -50% construction time for Church and Abbey buildings
        • +75% research rate
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 3 turns
      • Infrastructure Improved
        • Requires player controls 20 settlements to unlock
        • -40% to building construction time
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 5 turns
  • Circenn
    • Title: Decrees
    • Enacting one decree will put all other decrees on a 10 turn cooldown
    • The options are:
      • Noble by Nature
        • Requires a rank 5 character to unlock
        • +5 XP for generals per turn
        • +1 loyalty for all characters
        • Costs 5 Legitimacy and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • New Laws Enacted
        • +10 to faction Allegiance
        • Costs 5 Legitimacy and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • Infrastructure Improved
        • Requires player controls 25 settlements to unlock
        • -40% to building construction time
        • Costs 5 Legitimacy and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • Army Supplied
        • Requires highest level of SOUTERRAIN chain to unlock
        • +25% unit replenishment
        • +5 supplies
        • -2 unit food upkeep
        • Costs 5 Legitimacy and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
  • Mide
    • Title: Fair of Tailtiu
    • Decrees can only be chosen in summer
    • Enacting one decree puts all other decrees on a 4 turn cooldown
    • The options are:
      • Fair of Tailtiu
        • +5 public order
        • Costs 3 Legitimacy and 1250 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 8 turns, bonuses in effect for 4 turns
      • Honour the Troops
        • Requires victory in 10 battles to unlock
        • +25% unit replenishment
        • +50% replenishment chance for all units in recruitment pool
        • Costs 3 Legitimacy and 1250 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 8 turns, bonuses in effect for 4 turns
      • Spirits of the Dead
        • Major diplomatic bonus with all factions
        • +2 loyalty for all characters
        • Costs 3 Legitimacy and 1250 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 8 turns, bonuses in effect for 4 turns
      • New Laws Enacted
        • Requires highest level of MOOT HILL chain to unlock
        • +10 to faction Allegiance
        • Costs 3 Legitimacy and 1250 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 8 turns, bonuses in effect for 4 turns
  • East Engle
    • Title: Decrees
    • Enacting one decree puts all other decrees on a 10 turn cooldown
    • The options are:
      • Embrace the Church
        • Requires an active technology available to research to unlock
        • +75% research rate
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 3 turns
      • New Laws Enacted
        • +10 faction Allegiance
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • A Well-fed force
        • Requires victory in 10 battles to unlock
        • Here King: +1 towards Army
        • +25% unit replenishment
        • +5 supplies
        • -2 unit food upkeep
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • Great Viking Lands
        • Requires control of 35 settlements to unlock
        • -50% building construction time
        • Here King +1 to English
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 5 turns
  • Northymbre
    • Title: Decrees
    • Enacting one decree puts all other decrees on a 10 turn cooldown
    • The options are:
      • Embrace the Church
        • Requires an active technology available to research to unlock
        • +75% research rate
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 3 turns
      • New Laws Enacted
        • +10 faction Allegiance
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • A Well-fed force
        • Requires victory in 10 battles to unlock
        • Here King: +1 towards Army
        • +25% unit replenishment
        • +5 supplies
        • -2 unit food upkeep
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • Great Viking Lands
        • Requires control of 25 settlements to unlock
        • -50% building construction time
        • Here King +1 to English
        • Costs 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 5 turns
  • Dyflin
    • Title: Decrees
    • Enacting one decree puts all other decrees on a 10 turn cooldown
    • The options are:
      • Expedition Dispatched
        • Requires highest level of VIKING PORT chain to unlock
        • Sends out an Expedition
        • Costs 1000 slaves and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses depend on what direction is chosen for Expedition
      • Kings of the Sea
        • -50% construction time for Port buildings
        • +50% income from Port building chains
        • Costs 20 Tribute and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 5 turns
      • New Laws Enacted
        • +10 faction Allegiance
        • Costs 20 Tribute and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • An Army Supplied
        • Requires victory in 10 battles to unlock
        • +25% unit replenishment
        • +5 supplies
        • -2 unit food upkeep
        • Costs 20 Tribute and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
  • Sudreyar
    • Title: Decrees
    • Enacting one decree puts all other decrees on a 10 turn cooldown
    • The options are:
      • Expedition Dispatched
        • Requires highest level of PORT chain to unlock
        • Sends out an Expedition
        • Costs 20 Tribute and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses depend on what direction is chosen for Expedition
      • Kings of the Sea
        • -50% construction time for Port buildings
        • +50% income from Port building chains
        • Costs 20 Tribute and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 5 turns
      • New Laws Enacted
        • +10 faction Allegiance
        • Costs 20 Tribute and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns
      • An Army Supplied
        • Requires victory in 10 battles to unlock
        • +25% unit replenishment
        • +5 supplies
        • -2 unit food upkeep
        • Costs 20 Tribute and 2500 gold to enact
        • Cooldown of 20 turns, bonuses in effect for 10 turns

Faction Mechanics

  • Heroism now works in the following way:
    • It has 1 negative and 5 positive levels with the following effects:
      • Negative
        • -4 public order
        • -2 faction leader influence
        • -3 unit morale
      • Positive 1
        • +2 unit morale
        • +3 melee skill for commanders unit
        • +20% bodyguard unit size
      • Positive 2
        • +4 unit morale
        • +6 melee skill for commanders unit
        • +40% bodyguard unit size
      • Positive 3
        • +2 XP for generals per turn
        • +6 unit morale
        • +9 melee skill for commanders unit
        • +60% bodyguard unit size
      • Positive 1
        • +4 XP for generals per turn
        • +1 influence for faction leader
        • +8 unit morale
        • +12 melee skill for commanders unit
        • +80% bodyguard unit size
      • Positive 1
        • +6 XP for generals per turn
        • +1 influence for faction leader
        • +10 unit morale
        • +15 melee skill for commanders unit
        • +100% bodyguard unit size
  • Legitimacy now works in the following way:
  • Raiding now affects Legitimacy. Raiding enemies increases Legitimacy, raiding neutrals or your own reduces it. Number of units raiding has an impact on how big this value is
  • Legitimacy: natural decline occurs if the player is at war and not doing anything to change Legitimacy
  • It has 3 negative and 3 positive levels with the following effects:
    • Negative 3
      • -3 loyalty for all characters
      • -30% tax
      • -9 melee skill for all units
      • -50% income from vassal kingdoms
    • Negative 2
      • -2 loyalty for all characters
      • -20% tax
      • -6 melee skill for all units
      • -30% income from vassal kingdoms
    • Negative 1
      • -1 loyalty for all characters
      • -10% tax
      • -3 melee skill for all units
      • -20% income from vassal kingdoms
    • Positive 1
      • +10% tax
      • +3 melee skill for all units
      • +30% income from vassal kingdoms
    • Positive 2
      • Annexation available – can annex allied factions of same culture
      • +20% tax
      • +6 melee skill for all units
      • +40% income from vassal kingdoms
    • Positive 3
      • Annexation available – can annex allied factions of same culture
      • +30% tax
      • +9 melee skill for all units
      • +50% income from vassal kingdoms
  • Here King now works in the following way:
  • It has 3 levels for Army, 3 levels for English with the following effects:
    • English 3
      • +6 to faction Allegiance
      • +60 diplomatic bonus to all English factions
      • +50% commerce income
    • English 2
      • +4 to faction Allegiance
      • +40 diplomatic bonus to all English factions
      • +25% commerce income
    • English 1
      • +2 to faction Allegiance
      • +20 diplomatic bonus to all English factions
      • +10% commerce income
    • Army 1
      • +10 XP for units per turn
      • +10% upkeep cost for all units
      • +5 unit morale
      • +20% replenishment chance for all units in recruitment pool
    • Army 2
      • +20 XP for units per turn
      • +20% upkeep cost for all units
      • +10 unit morale
      • +40% replenishment chance for all units in recruitment pool
    • Army 3
      • +30 XP for units per turn
      • +30% upkeep cost for all units
      • +15 unit morale
      • +60% replenishment chance for all units in recruitment pool
  • Tribute now works in the following way:
  • Raiding and sacking now contribute to Tribute mechanic. Similarly to Legitimacy, number of units raiding impacts amount added to Tribute.
  • It has 1 negative and 5 positive levels with the following effects:
    • Negative
      • -2 influence for faction leader
      • +10% unit upkeep
      • -3 unit morale
      • -2 loyalty for all characters
    • Positive 1
      • -10% unit upkeep
      • +20% replenishment chance for all units in recruitment pool
    • Positive 2
      • -10% unit upkeep
      • +40% replenishment chance for all units in recruitment pool
    • Positive 3
      • -10% unit upkeep
      • +60% replenishment chance for all units in recruitment pool
      • +1 unit experience for new recruits
    • Positive 4
      • +2 to faction Allegiance
      • -10% unit upkeep
      • +80% replenishment chance for all units in recruitment pool
      • +2 unit experience for new recruits
    • Positive 5
      • +4 to faction Allegiance
      • -10% unit upkeep
      • +100% replenishment chance for all units in recruitment pool
      • +3 unit experience for new recruits
    • Slave mechanic changed to be a Slaves GDP mod, and the Thrall building chain now gives bespoke Slaves income rather than Commerce income
    • Stone of Destiny reward changed from being a temporary reward bundle and a trait for the faction leader to instead be a strong permeant trait for the faction leader. It now gives the following bonuses:
      • +2 influence
      • +1 loyalty for all characters
      • +100% bodyguard unit size
      • +3 zeal
      • +20% church income in all regions


  • Reduced cost of upgrading units in provinces with weapon/armour upgrades from 100 for level 1, 300 for level 2, 900 for level 3, to 50 for level 1, 75 for level 2, 100 for level 3
  • Increased supplies gained from positive faction food
  • Deconstructing a building no longer gives any money
  • Adjusted chances of gaining traits so more are gained over the course of a campaign
  • Added “Level 1/2/3” or “One Level” to all trait descriptions for clarity
  • Roads bonus from technology tree swapped to a bonus to movement distance bonus in own territory
  • Corruption from size of empire now capped to max 90%
  • Increased base faction income from 500 to 1500 to improve early game experience for many factions
  • Increase unit pool replenishment rate of Welsh Archers 7 Welsh Longbowmen
  • If there is a global faction food shortage, there will no longer be additional negative effect bundles on provinces with negative food, only the faction level negative food effects will apply
  • Removed public order bonus from faction leader influence
  • New effect bundles added to West Seaxe and East Engle at the start of the campaign which gives a diplomatic bonus to each other to reflect the recent Treaty they’ve signed. West Seaxe’s mission to conquer East Engle will also not trigger until these effect bundles expire (10 turns). This also prevents the two factions from declaring war on each other
  • Effects from taxes have been changed in the following ways:
    • Public order penalties from high and very high taxes increased
    • Food bonus on high and very high reduced from 25% and 50% to 15% and 30%
  • Guthrum’s background trait changed to Fearless
  • Guthrum’s starting influence has been increased
  • Airgialla now starts as a vassal of Ailech
  • Made adjustments to the starting situations to have less starting loyalty issues for various factions at the beginning of a campaign on easy or normal
  • West Seaxe starting vassal personalities all set to defensive
  • The diplomatic penalty from Great Power has been increased
  • AI budgeting now more biased towards military budget
  • Removed loyalty gain from winning civil war battles as it was too easy to stack up large loyalty bonuses from this
  • Now possible to lose certain politics related traits
  • Legendary Traits have had their trigger points reduced to be more inline with other traits
  • Added a chance for neighbouring AI factions to declare war on the player based on a number of factors
  • Increased income from raiding and sacking
  • Removed loyalty penalty for a subordinate being given an office
  • Base -2 loyalty penalty for being removed as a governor has been removed, as the new gain ‘Lost Governor Status’ and ‘Lost General Status’ now give loyalty penalties
  • Removed faction leader influence penalties from traits other characters could gain
  • Removed Quartermaster bonus to movement distance of armies in province when governor, only now applies when leading an army
  • Reduced public order bonuses and penalties certain traits and wives gave


  • Increased chance of plotting events happening
  • Reduced base political action cost
  • Political action costs now scale with faction Fame level
  • Certain traits other characters can gain now give penalties to faction leader influence, for example Vengeful
  • Hold Feast political action now gives a penalty to food production for 4 turns, and action can only be carried out every 4 turns

Victory Conditions

  • Fame victory conditions now require certain buildings are constructed in addition to a certain number of Fame points being acquired.
    • West Seaxe
      • Short
        • Cathedral of St Edmund
        • Benedictine Grand Abbey
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Royal Law Court
      • Long
        • Cathedral of St Edmund
        • Benedictine Grand Abbey
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Royal Law Court
        • Cathedral of St Cuthbert
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
    • Mierce
      • Short
        • Offa’s Palace
        • Stadfordscir Great Forge
        • Cathedral of St Edmund
        • Benedictine Grand Abbey
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
      • Long
        • Offa’s Palace
        • Stadfordscir Great Forge
        • Cathedral of St Edmund
        • Benedictine Grand Abbey
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Cathedral of St Cuthbert
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
    • Gwined
      • Short
        • Master Bards’ Hall
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Grand Abbey
        • Offa’s Palace
      • Long
        • Master Bards’ Hall
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Grand Abbey
        • Offa’s Palace
        • Royal Monastery
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
    • Strat Clut
      • Short
        • Hogback Master Workshop
        • Palace of the Mountain
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
        • Royal Monastery
      • Long
        • Hogback Master Workshop
        • Palace of the Mountain
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
        • Royal Monastery
        • Cathedral of St Cuthbert
        • Cathedral of St Patraic
        • Cathedral of St Columbe
    • Circenn
      • Short
        • Royal Abbey of Scoan
        • Cathedral of St Columbe
        • Céli Dé Grand Abbey
        • Royal Monastery
      • Long
        • Royal Abbey of Scoan
        • Cathedral of St Columbe
        • Céli Dé Grand Abbey
        • Royal Monastery
        • Hogback Master Workshop
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
    • Mide
      • Short
        • Cathedral of St Ciaran
        • Caisil of Kings
        • Cathedral of St Patraic
        • Monastic School of Ros
        • Grianan of Ailech
      • Long
        • Cathedral of St Ciaran
        • Caisil of Kings
        • Cathedral of St Patraic
        • Monastic School of Ros
        • Grianan of Ailech
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
    • East Engle
      • Short
        • Royal Martyr’s Mint
        • Cathedral of St Edmund
        • Grand Abbey
        • Cathedral of St Cuthbert
      • Long
        • Royal Martyr’s Mint
        • Cathedral of St Edmund
        • Grand Abbey
        • Cathedral of St Cuthbert
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
    • Northymbre
      • Short
        • Cathedral of St Cuthbert
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
        • Royal Martyr’s Mint
        • Cathedral of St Edmund
      • Long
        • Cathedral of St Cuthbert
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
        • Royal Martyr’s Mint
        • Cathedral of St Edmund
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Cathedral of St Columbe
    • Dyflin
      • Short
        • Great Longphort
        • Great Thrall Market
        • Cathedral of St Patraic
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
      • Long
        • Great Longphort
        • Great Thrall Market
        • Cathedral of St Patraic
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
        • Monastic School of Ros
        • Grianan of Ailech
    • Sudreyar
      • Short
        • Royal Monastery
        • Grianan of Ailech
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
      • Long
        • Royal Monastery
        • Grianan of Ailech
        • Cathedral of St Ringan
        • Cathedral of St Cuthbert
        • Cathedral of St Dewi
        • Great Longphort


  • Adjusted garrisons given by higher tier GARRISON chain levels to make sure they’re always an improvement, enemy movement distance reduction value now scales with GARRISON chain level as well
  • Reduced supplies given by many building chains
  • Renamed MARKET income to COMMERCE, and renamed the MARKET building set to COMMERCE to reduce confusion
  • New building chains added:
    • GRIANAN OF AILECH – Unique chain for Grianan Ailech settlement, variant of GREAT HALL chain
    • MONASTERY OF ST CAINNECH – unique chain for Achadh Bo settlement, variant of MONASTERY chain
    • CHURCH OF ST RINGAN – unique chain for Hwitan Aerne settlement, variant of ABBEY chain
    • FOGOU – new unique variant of the GRANARY chain for Tintagol settlement
    • BULLAUN – new chain for MONASTERY settlements that improves public order and Fame
    • MERCHANT – new generic Commerce income chain for all major settlements
    • WORKSHOP – new generic Industry income chain for all major settlements
    • ARTISANS – new combo chain that improves income from GOLD, LEAD, SILVER, TIN chains in the same province, and boosts commerce income
    • CHURCH CRAFT – new combo chain that improves income from COPPER, IRON, WOOD chains in the same province, and boosts Church income
    • CRAFT MERCHANT – new combo chain that improves income from CLOTH, POTTERY, SALT chains in the same province and boosts Industry income
    • WAREHOUSE – new combo chain that improves income and food production from PORT chains in the same province
  • The following building chains have been changed:
    • TITHE HALL – now improves food production from FARM, ORCHARD, PASTURE chains in same province and boosts Church income
    • TOOLS – now improves income from COPPER, IRON, WOOD chains in same province
  • Building chains available in each major settlement now depends on what chains are present in minor settlements, so there is a much greater variety of what can be built between different provinces
  • All non-religious minor settlement chains now branch at tier 4 to give more choice in how each province is specialised
    • BEACH PORT – choose between a bonus to commerce, or a bonus to all faction trade
    • CLOTH – choose between more Cloth production and bonus to farm income or bonus to commerce income
    • COPPER – choose between more Copper production, or a bonus to commerce income
    • FARM – choose between more food or more farm income
    • FISHING – choose between more food or more farm income
    • GOLD – choose between more Gold production or a bonus to commerce income
    • HUNTING – choose between more farm income, or more Furs production and a bonus to commerce
    • IRON – choose between more Iron production or a higher reduction to upkeep for armies in the province and a bonus to commerce income
    • LEAD – choose between more Lead production and higher Industry income, or a bonus to church income
    • ORCHARD – choose between more food or a bonus to commerce income
    • PASTURE – choose between more food or more farm income
    • POTTERY – choose between more Pottery production, or more commerce income and a bonus to industry income
    • SALT – choose between more Salt production or a bonus to income from all Salt building chains
    • SILVER – choose between more Silver production or a bonus to commerce income
    • TIN – choose between a higher bonus to income from all Tin building chains, or a lower bonus to all Tin building chains and a bonus to commerce income
    • WOOD – choose between more Timber production and a larger reduction to construction costs, or a bonus to commerce income
  • Swapped Wood chain in Alt Clut for Pottery to reduce overlapping construction cost reduction bonuses
  • Base income of most buildings reduced by 10% as new combination chain bonuses were allowing for too much income
  • Food upkeep added to the following chains:
    • Assembly
    • Estate
    • Moot Hill
    • Thing
    • Law
    • Konungsgurtha
    • Bard
    • Court School
    • Nunnaminster
    • Library
    • Embroiders
    • Scribes
    • Scoan Abbey
    • Alehouse
    • Runestones
    • Church Crafts
    • Tools
    • Artisans
    • Hogbacks
  • Mill chain has had an upkeep cost added to it
  • Food production bonuses for the Warehouse and Mill chains reduced
  • Reduced food gained from Port chain
  • Allegiance bonus added to Law, Thing, and Moot Hill chains
  • New bonuses added to the Saint building chains to make each one unique:
    • St Cainnech – diplomatic bonus with other factions
    • St Brigit – increases child chance for all characters
    • St Ciaran – reduces construction costs in the province
    • St Columbe – gives public order bonus to surrounding provinces as well
    • St Cuthbert – bonus to army morale in the province it is in and surrounding provinces
    • St Dewi – improves research rate
    • St Edmund – improves faction leader influence
    • St Patraic – improves Allegiance in all your territory
    • St Ringan – improves Church income in all your territory
    • St Swithun – improves food production in its and surrounding provinces


  • Foreign soil penalty removed
  • Stances now have a base supply cost of -10, raiding gives +5 back so has supplies decline at half the rate of other stances
  • Besieging or blockading a settlement costs an extra -10 supplies a turn
  • Having positive faction food increases supplies in own or allied territory and waters, the bonuses are:
    • Level 1: +15
    • Level 2: +20
    • Level 3: +25


  • True Sovereignty tech now halves Decree cooldown
  • Movement distance bonuses from technologies reduced

Faction Trait Changes

    • Burghal (a new mechanic that has been added, detailed earlier in the path notes): Taxes are needed to support the army, but whether you are at war or peace will change how the people feel
    • Fyrd: Part-time soldiers, pledged to leave their farms for military service each year. Can recruit levy units based on the number of owned settlements
    • +50% Commander’s aura
  • West Seaxe
    • Witan: A unique version of Decrees that allows for powerful bonuses
    • Strong armoured sword and spread infantry, impressive late-game cavalry
    • Unit experience increases when in the fortify stance
  • Mierce
    • Hoards: A unique version of Decrees that focuses on the redistribution of wealth
    • Strong armoured sword and spear infantry, impressive late-game cavalry
    • +10% Battle movement speed
    • Heroism: Wales is a land of heroes. Earn heroism by winning battles, owning Welsh land and ranking up generals to gain bonuses
    • +50% Charge for all cavalry units
    • +5 Unit morale in own regions
  • Gwined
    • General’s Followers: Increased bonuses from followers.
    • Legendary Battle Sites: Stand in the shoes of heroes long dead and share in their glory. Undertake missions to occupy settlements or become allied with your Welsh neighbours
    • Very strong spearmen, good missile infantry and exceptional archers
  • Strat Clut
    • Map Control: A connected kingdom is stronger by definition. Own settlements next to each other to earn bonuses
    • Capture major settlements for the change to trigger missions
    • Very strong cavalry, good spearmen and exceptional archers
    • Legitimacy: Silence those who question your divined right to rule. Own cultural land and defend allies to gain unique bonuses
    • Better bonuses when raiding
    • +25% Income (CHURCH)
  • Circenn
    • Stone of Destiny: Legends say that the Stone of Destiny brings wealth to its bearer. Undertake a mission to find it
    • Has access to unique Souterrain building, which gives immunity to snow attrition
    • Good all-round infantry with some good spearmen. Very strong missile units and powerful, unique crossbowmen
  • Mide
    • Fair of Tailtiu: A unique versions of decree that has each option available more often but provides bonuses for a shorter period of time
    • High Cross: Unique building chain that improves fame and diplomatic standing with all factions
    • Excellent mid-to-high-tier sword infantry, including unique Gallowglass infantry and exceptional javelin infantry
    • Income: +200% from raiding and sacking
    • +6 Melee skill for all units when in enemy territory
    • Here King: The King of the Danes here in Britannia must play a delicate game to stay at the top. Find the balance between appeasing the English and your army
  • East Engle
    • Guthrum’s Will: The King of the Danelaw rewards those who raid and conquer in his name. Get missions to fight and unique rewards for your aggression
    • Very strong axe infantry and good balance of other units. Has access to Berserkers and powerful Anglian Champions
    • +50% Reinforcement range
  • Northymbre
    • Ragnar’s Legacy: The Viking warlord Ragnar was killed by the Anglo-Saxons. Seek revenge for his death!
    • Very strong axe infantry. Has access to Berserkers. Good all-round infantry, including powerful Northumbrian Spearmen
    • +15% Trade
    • Expedition: The world is yours for the taking – send your ships to conquer new lands
    • Tribute: Other Kingdoms pay tribute as a sign of their submission. Get tribute from other factions to gain bonuses
    • Immune to seasickness and high seas attrition
  • Dyflin
    • Slave Trade: For some, the keeping of slaves is an integral part of their culture. Gain slaves by winning battles and raiding, sacking or occupying settlements. Sell them each turn and improve income by building Thrall Traders
    • Very strong axe infantry. Has access to Berserkers. Good general unit diversity and strong javelinmen
    • +25% Income from Port building chains
  • Sudreyar
    • Field of Assembly: An assembly of free men and lawmakers who meet to decide the matters of the day. IT sends the army on missions to keep them busy.
    • Very strong axe and sword infantry. Has access to Berserkers and Norse units. Good unit diversity.
    • +15% Campaign movement range

UI Improvements


  • Added current Fame total to victory conditions panel so player knows how far off achieving that victory condition they are
  • Added character details button to political event messages
  • Cycling through characters via the character details panel now goes in alphabetical order
  • You can double click/right click on your current treasury/income on the top bar to open the Economy screen
  • Improved display of other faction owned settlements on province panel, with known settlement chains now shown greyed out rather than having to use the ‘spying’ panel to see the information
  • Added details button to dilemma events about characters
  • Names of settlements no longer shown on Estates screen to reduce clutter
  • Province governed/army commanded name is now shown next to character name on the character details panel, and on portraits of characters on the family tree screen
  • Adjusted look of campaign borders to add a little gap between them to make them clearer



  • New Anglo-Saxon and Viking watchtowers added, and old watchtower replaced on all siege maps
  • New unit parts added to the game and added to the look of various units: two new scale armour types, new cloak type


  • New crowns added for increased variety for various minor faction types