Total War: WARHAMMER III – Patch 1.0.2
Good day, commanders! Today we’re happy to introduce Patch 1.0.2, which brings fixes for several key performance, multiplayer, and installation issues to Total War: WARHAMMER III.
Our primary goal with this release is to raise the baseline for our community: assisting those who have been unable to play and implementing the first performance fixes for those of you experiencing framerate caps or issues running the game on certain high-end rigs. Both performance and stability will be a long-term and ongoing effort for the team, all of which begins with raising the bottom bar for those most impacted by technical obstacles or issues.
Following today’s build, we will be working towards two major milestones to which you can look forward:
Steam Beta of the ALT+Tab Crash Fix. The team is fixing a few final graphics issues that popped up as a result of the fix before submitting it to QA for review. Once verified, it will be uploaded and made available as a Steam Beta branch, which will allow affected players to verify that it works on their system before it is approved for an official game build.
Update 1.1. The game’s first major gameplay, balance, and bug-fix update is in the works, and the team has pulled together a wide variety of changes for you to enjoy. We’ll talk more about what to expect in the update this week, though its arrival date is still TBD as the team puts it through all the necessary testing and approval cycles.
Whether you’re experiencing issues or enjoying the game at its fullest, you are welcome to join us on our official channels where you can join the conversation with the rest of the community:
DISCUSS: Total War: WARHAMMER III on the official Forums
CHAT: The Total War Official Discord
Finally: thank you for being a part of this journey, which is only just beginning… We have plenty more in store as we prepare both the fixes and brand-new additions to the game, and genuinely appreciate your patience, your passion for Total War and WARHAMMER III, and for your honest critiques as we build on the strong foundation established by the WARHAMMER series over the past six years. We share your excitement and eagerness to see Total War: WARHAMMER III grow, expand, and set a new standard for the series, and can’t wait to join you all on the battlefield that lies ahead. Keep making your voices heard, and we’ll be back here soon with more details of what lies ahead for the WARHAMMER team.
See you in the Chaos Realms!
— The Total War Team
? PATCH 1.0.2
- Improved our build-authoring process, which will reduce the excessive install times required for relatively small patches. We expect to further reduce these install times with the next game update.
- Fixed a problem where the vertical sync (VSync) setting was being forced on for some players—artificially limiting the framerate regardless of system specs.
- Resolved game stuttering issues when playing the game in Windows 11 with Intel Alder Lake (12th-generation) processors.
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to hang on first boot in certain languages.
- The game will now display an error if installed to a folder path that uses non-English characters. Doing so will cause the game to be unresponsive. To alleviate this, we recommend changing the installation location to a folder or folder path that doesn’t include non-English characters.
- Fixed an issue that caused battles in multiplayer campaign to desync.
- General multiplayer services improvements.
If you experience any issues after downloading the update, please take a moment to visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.